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Where to find events?

You're in the right place! Stay connected on our website with all of our updates for events, media, and more. If you would like the updates to come to you please sign up on our mailing list above.

How it works

Find an event you are looking for. Most of our shared events are free, however be on the lookout for any charge alerts. These events are filled with down to earth people who are military, doctors, students,  and more. Sometimes we rub shoulders with celebrities such as Cody Walker, Vaughn Gitten Jr, Super Car Blonde & more. You never know who you may run into.   

Our mission here at Stang Hub is to connect the community with great family friendly events.

We don't promote any "take overs" or illegal events. Get connected with events that we host and from our trusted car related list of hosts. We are based out of Southern California.